The Holy Grail
Opening the mysteries of your inner Heart - Making your heart a sacred temple to receive yourself
A deep energy work that marks an ascesion point in your spiritual journey and initiates the path for your self - actualization.

What is the Holy Grail
You have probably hear about this word in myths, movies and spiritual tales and maybe there are different origins and references for this topic. That's why I want to let you know that the title of this work hasn't picked to impress. It is really the real reference and interpretation of the energy that I transmit.
The Holy Grail is the energetic symbol that within it is enclosed the energetic union of Jesus and Alinea, and with unity at the same time with the original energy of Ephesus.
The core of Ephesus competence, is to bring forth the highest union of the holy couples that throughout their union are born the future world leaders that will help in the reconstruction of the society. However we have to know that the first and highest union is with our own sacred being, our inner shiva and shakti. The harmonious merging of those two leads people into their self actualization and the integration of their light, so as in heaven, so in Earth. This is the tantric path and it's a process that requires utter devotion and faith in one's redemption path.
How it works?
On the first step, Alinea transmits in your heart the energy of the Holy grail. The fire of the Holy Grail, inflames in your heart the desire for your own sacred being and at the same the desire for your holy partner. This process reveals many information about you that are all keys, and works really different in everyone, according to their development and their soul plan. So its impossible to tell you what is going to happen to you , but I can assure you that there will be a deep healing, dissolving emotional prisons, and walls, energetic fog and other blockages so you can enter you inner heart and make it a sacred temple that you can receive yourself again!
2nd step: in all of the cases, big traumas are coming forth regarding love in a wide spectrum, stories from the fall of Atlantis and generally former incarnations to your current life, when your heart broke, somebody betrayed you, and you denied your power. So my focus on our second meeting is to release those traumas. When your energy system is stabilized then we are ready to take the next step.
Holy Couples Reunion
The third step is the initiation of your Shiva and Shakti. The Divine mother has assigned Jesus and Alinea to bring back the Holy couples in the beginning of the golden Age, to assist in the reconstruction of the society and the rebirthing of our Earth.
As I have already said above, our first holy couple is our own inner lover, the merging and union of our Shiva and shakti.
Through this initiation , your shiva and your shakti are merging in the central axis of your heart chakra , and is setting in motion a process where you can integrate many aspects and energies of yourself. At this point then energy of your holy partner will be activated to your energy. However that doesn't always means that you are going to relate with this person in your human life. Many times , the energetic imprint of this person in your aura, witness of story that you have to release, maybe because you gave vows against love, or your power at the same time. In another cases you can really have a big opening also in your private life. In some cases what happens is to come qualities from your heavens, or even core qualities, integrating them and experiencing a whole new level of unity with your own being!
In conclusion, it is really a wonderful work, that awakens deeply your heart chakra and the desire for your now love...
I will give you below to understand how wide and wise is the spectrum of this work is:
" I had a case of a woman who booked me because she wanted to make a relationship. Then when we started to work she released that there were two different realities. Her human self was longing for a companion, but her soul was very angry, traumatize with negative beliefs about men. My client was not aware of her inner reality. So we started to work and release layer after layer, beliefs traumas and so on. In the session of the holy grail revealed to her the basic ray of her origin, and the this trauma of love made her refuse her own knowledge and power. I point this out because these two are very relevant. In our own love we experience wholeness, and from this point of wholeness we attract the holy partner. However this topic of the holy partner follows our karmic line always. we attract the partner that resonates with our shakti level and every time is the right one because that person resonated with the energetic development we need to do to move higher to our ascension path."
" I had another case of a woman that she had to follow the guidance to receive this work from me but she was afraid that maybe her relationship will be affected. During our work , long story short, I connected her with the origin of her soul, who she really is and very deep traumas popped up. after the release process during the initiation of the Holy Couples, I brought back and I integrated in her energy system her own sacred fire. And for her initated a transformation path for her self - actualization. "
" And here is a totally other example, of a woman who received this work from me in Hong Kong and in the last steps I brought done the core of her first heaven. It was the devotion, the humility and kindness of this person that made for her that possible. "
Energy Exchange:
500 euros - 3 steps / sessions
What People Say

Melodie - Hong Kong
In the Holy Grail, focus on releasing and unlocking the heart chakra first. When the blocked energy is resolved, there will be space for reorganization and integration. Although I didn’t see anything in it, I felt clear and open. After integration, there is energy combination and slowly solidifies inside the body. Can't remember the hot energy is appear in here or the next step.
Then Core Quality appears, probably because the body is ready. This unexpected gift is really amazing.
Thank you Alinea.
Nehena Yip - HK
During the Holy Grail initiation, the healing energy was powerful. When the past vows and panic accumulated in the solar plexus and navel chakra were lifted and released, I felt reconnected to the source and integrated with my power. The energy pillar of my body flows smoothly. My heart charka opened widely. I felt peaceful and joyful.
Thank you Alinea
Shin Tong. - Greece
“This is one of the most sacred initiations.
For me it was the incorporation of a quality I never thought I have, my black light. It laid dormant for so long. The time had come for me to recognise it in amazement and lovingly embrace it for myself as I have been doing this for others. In Alinea’s presence the skies opened and it happened in all its glory, love and light. If someone thinks that they have expanded their hearts that much, wait until you receive this initiation. The unity with ourselves is the most sacred one - this is the where oneness begins! ONS. Thank you beautiful Alinea -S. T “