7 Gates of Christ Light
Diving into the new Cosmic Consciousness
7 Gates of high energy/consciousness, seven keys for your personal development through which the participant goes through a deep process of purification, energetically and in his body, transformation, forgiveness, liberation, awakening,
Rebirth and expansion into the Golden Age!
This seminar sets in motion the transformation that you need to do to reach your self- actualization, and what you have to let go to be able to ascend in those levels of consciousness and to be able to experience your creative humanity in a free space with unlimited possibilities.
Those levels of consciousness transmit the holy energy of the 4 pillars of the Temple of Christ, divine merci, divine grace, divine love and divine law. In those levels someone throughout the purity of his intention and his heart, can set in motion a change of his fate, and is able walk his redemption soul path on Earth.
The higher dimensions of light help you to realize where you stand in the lower dimensional existence , they bring forth hidden karma , and you come confronted with your own story. You release, you integrate and you move on, deeper into life , higher into consciousness.
This is how it works. This is the path of ascension.
And this is the path to self mastery.

As above so below
If you are someone who is interested in spiritual advancement, and is looking for deep spiritual development. If you are someone who will make all the steps and is willing to walk through all the layers and the levels that will open for you, then you have literally the opportunity to unveil yourself from your deepest layers and to live your highest potential!
If you are willing to explore who you really are in the concept of experiencing and creating with your light in the Golden Age in a very free space, then this training is for you.
Because this training is capable of setting in motion a wise path of transformation, purification, integration and self-realization/actualization for you.
The 7 gates of the Christ Light give you the opportunity to become a healer of the Christ Light by receiving special initiations. Thus you have access not only to the energy, but also to the temples of the Christ Light, and this applies not only during the seminar, but also when you need to work further on your own evolution or healing or the healing of your clients.
Each gate you pass through prepares you for the next one, until you reach the 7th gate, the "golden sea of Christ Light", the union with your higher self.
The purification that takes place at this level, which is different from all others, so that you can live your true self in the golden age! You experience a rebirth in your whole chakra system and there codes of your ascension are activated.
Just some of the things that took place during the seminar:
You have the opportunity to free yourself from what holds you back, things that are hidden from your consciousness, concealed entanglements and karmic contracts.
Your blood is cleansed very deeply of entities and demonic energies and blockages are dissolved in the blood flow, your veins and your whole vascular system. A new balance and flow is established between your physical body and your energy that supports your overall health.
The core knowledge from many incarnations as a healer is activated. Your bone and your muscular system are prepared and strengthen so you can embody your healing ability with the initiation that Alinea gives you.
Each gate of Christ Light contributes to the raising of your consciousness and you gain the tools and the knowledge not only for your own development but also to heal and guide others to their ascension.
You are initiated to the black diamond energy which is a very might tool to release connections, bonds and dark energies from someone aura.
A special Antenna is activated in your aura and your whole spinal cord prepares to embody it. This antenna , aligns you with your soul plan and the very close presence of your spiritual team. With this network of energy you can attract what is yours.. You can see where you stand in your path but also what you have to create because it creates n electromagnetic field around you.
NOTE: The 7 Gates of Christ Light is a spiritual training, in a vast universal context, and has nothing to do with religion or doctrine. The energy is universal and the teachings are universal, as the great teachers of love who ascended from those levels in different timelines, countries with different religion backgrounds, in order to remind people of their origin and the true essence of love.
The Christ Light comes from the cosmic level of creation and assists and accompanies the Earth and humans in their process of transformation and ascension and leads them into the Golden Age.

Upcoming event
The knowledge and power of the Christ Light is vast and very concentrated and works in a mystical and very wise way, so it is difficult to put into words the process one goes through each gate. What is definite, is that some months after your life will not be the same, your awareness will not be the same, and you will have make some significant steps towards your destiny.
Next Training
11 -12 January 2025
online via zoom
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